We are Matematikum


Nadiia Tkachivska

Founder of Matematikum | Creating of videos and tests

Nadiia is retired high school math teacher with a proven history of work. From 1994 until present time she has been successfully preparing students for the University entrance and mid-term exams.


Dmytro Tkachivskyi, PhD

Co-Founder | Full stack development, DevOps

Multitasker, brings together prominent personalities creating chemistry between them; tracks hot trends in a whirl of world events, turns ideas into reality, achieves self-set goals.


Karina Krintser

PR and SMM specialist | Social networking, marketing

An executive with success stories in the field of marketing, project management and public relations. Graphical designer with a distinctive touch, conceptualist of Matematikum's look.

Our mission is creating a quality and affordable learning experience

How it all started?

The global COVID-19 pandemic had paralyzed the entire world at 2020, putting the education system in a rather difficult position. Many were unprepared for such rapid changes caused by the circumstances of the time. The domestic high school students preparing for the university admission campaign, found themselves in a quite difficult situation. It was around this time when the altruistic idea of making short educational videos on the Nadiia Tkachivska's YouTube channel has appeared.

As the number of videos on this channel was increasing it became clear that such format lacks a training component. In other words, on YouTube there is no way to practice things taught in video. Thus, the idea of combining theory and practice in smartphone app has emerged.

Got questions, proposals or ideas for cooperation?
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